Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Officially a Toddler

Well, I think it's official. My baby is not a baby anymore. That is probably pretty obvious to everyone else, but to me it seems like this happened overnight! And apparently with this new title of toddler, comes an opinion. A strong one. About everything. My toddler is not at all timid about sharing her opinion- and she does so often. Some things she is most opinionated about-
* Disagreeing with the idea that we can not play outside when it's raining.
She doesn't mind getting wet and does not understand why we do.
* Stopping to take a bath, eat, or have her diaper changed. To her these are all very unnecessary things that are quite frankly a waste of her time.
* What she eats. Caroline must be the pickiest 15 month old I know. We have a short list of things that she will accept, and she absolutely refuses to try anything new. She essentially eats the same things everyday, with the exception of fruits and veggies (she will only accept stage 2 baby food varieties!), which we vary.
* Taking a nap. Sometimes this is under protest, sometimes not. It all seems to depend on whether or not she thinks it's a good idea at the time.
* Being told "No, we're not going to watch Elmo right now" does not go over too well either.

So, with this new stage comes a new skill set we must master to respond to this new opinion about things. She is very strong-willed about making sure we know what she thinks, but luckily her protests are pretty short-lived. Frustrated and upset one second and sweet, loving, and charming the next. Ah, the life of a toddler.

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