Friday, December 19, 2008

Bye Bye Steroids!

Caroline had her last dose of steroids this morning. While Caroline didn't see it as an event needing a lot of fanfare (smile) her Mommy sure did! It is such a relief to know that we are DONE. At one point, Caroline was taking 5 medications: the steroid to treat her hemangioma, an antibiotic to prevent infection, and 3 medications to try to soothe her little tummy. And, most of these she was taking from the time she was 6 weeks old. That's too much for such a teeny baby. I don't want anyone to think that I am exaggerating our situation or "making a big deal out of nothing." Anyone who knows what I do for a living knows that I am fully aware that things could be much worse. I have followed parents on journeys they have taken with their children that I pray daily we will NEVER have to take with Caroline. But my mother's heart has also already taught me that as a parent, you want to protect your child from any type of adversity. Even if that adversity is relatively mild, compared to the worst case scenario. And to say that I haven't cried some tears over the unexpected challenge placed in our laps would be a lie. Because I have. Caroline has had to deal with more than most babies her age. She has been forced to take several vile tasting medicines on a daily basis when all she should have known was the comforting taste of warm milk. The very medicine used to treat the unwelcome visitor on her beautiful face then attacked her little tummy. The most comforting and pleasurable thing in a baby's life (eating) was often painful and uncomfortable for her. There were many days of feeling helpless, and numerous trips to the doctor to try and make things better for her. But, as my mother likes to say, "this too shall pass." And it did. And I am thankful. I am thankful that she's young, and oblivious to the comments and questions (most of them innocent, but a few have hit me the wrong way). I'm thankful that at this point, we don't have to try to answer HER questions about the "whys", or worry about her emotional development as she copes with being "different." I am thankful that more than likely, the hemangioma will be gone before this ever will be an issue for her. And, I am thankful that God has given her such a precious and sweet little personality and disposition that she takes everything in stride. We are indeed thankful, and so blessed.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Yay! I'm so glad that you are finished with the steroids! What a great day!