Friday, April 24, 2009
Caroline's 9 month photo shoot
We are so lucky that Zack's uncle, Jimmy, is a professional photographer who so graciously takes pictures of Caroline for us. He has taken many beautiful photographs of Caroline since her birth and we are so thankful for him! We visited Zack's parents in SC over the weekend, and he took lots of pictures of Caroline then. I put together a slide show of all of them to share with Caroline's blog readers. They are precious! Thank you Jimmy, we love you!!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Catching up!
I have several posts I want to make, but I want to do them in order, so I'm going to start with some pictures from Easter. We had a great Easter weekend at my mom's house, went to church and then had a great lunch afterward. Caroline was an angel throughout the Sunday service - an hour and a half long and hardly a peep from her- she was content pretty much the whole time. Zack finally took her out about the last 15 minutes. Pretty impressive when you're 9 months old!
The Easter bunny came to see Caroline and brought her a sippy cup (she's not too sure about that one), a new book, and a tea set. She was most excited about the easter grass that GiGi put in the baskets at her house. Pulling it out of the basket was so much fun! Caroline is wearing one of the Feltman dresses that my sister and I wore as babies. It fit her perfectly, and blue is her color! :-)

Friday, April 10, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
GiGi found Bug!! My mom called me over the weekend to say that she was shopping and found bug in a store. Guess which one? Big Lots! I knew I loved that place! :-) Caroline was reunited with Bug on Monday night and her expression was priceless. She lit up and you could just see the recognition spread across her face into a big smile. She even gave Bug a kiss! Whenever we press Bug to play her "twinkle twinkle" song, Caroline breaks into the biggest smile. So sweet! Thanks GiGi for bringing bug home!
I wish I could have captured the moment she saw bug on camera, but here's a picture of Caroline from yesterday, playing with her long lost friend.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Caroline LOVES books. Seriously, the girl would rather read than do anything else, including eat. We have all of her books in a basket beside the rocking chair where we feed her, and now she thinks she needs a book read to her after every few ounces of her bottle. She'll stop eating, push the bottle away, and lean over the side of the chair toward the books. She will even choose the book she wants! No kidding! If we hold two books in front of her and give her the choice, she will touch the one she wants us to read. And if we read one she doesn't want to hear?.....she either starts to fuss or slams the cover shut! She's a hoot! She definitely has her preferences. It is lots of fun to see her little personality blossom each day.
In other news, the growling is finally making an exit and has been replaced by babbling! Ma,ma,ma; ba,ba,ba are so nice to hear! She still growls once and a while, but it's not her primary "language" anymore. On Thursday, she learned how to go from a lying to a sitting position on her own. Still nothing on the crawling front yet. She rolls and wiggles herself around wherever she needs to go. Although just this morning we noticed that she is getting closer than she has ever been to being on her hands and knees. So stay tuned....we may have a crawler soon!

Here are some pictures of our little bookworm and her favorite pastime:
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